Houston Mini Maker Faire 2015

We had a great time at the Houston Mini Maker Faire this past Saturday (November 14th).  Calling it “mini” doesn’t quite do it justice, however.  They had a great turnout and the audience was full of energy and excitement. We were busy talking with people and running our demo’s all day.  I encourage everyone to check out their local Maker Faire, if you have one. You can even get a free booth to go show off what you make, since that’s what it is all about!


Here are some pictures of our booth.

Carved Cedar Fence
This is a recycled cedar fence, carved into a large art piece.
CarveWright Maker Faire Booth
We were never short of people in our booth.
CarveWright Maker Faire Booth Trunk and Guitar
The famous Dr. Beard’s Snake Oil Trunk and one of the Liquid Guitars.
CarveWright Maker Faire Booth
The booth right as doors are about to open
CarveWright Maker Faire Booth Display with clocks
Several decorative pieces including two of carveshop’s clocks. Those clocks were a huge hit at the show.
CarveWright Maker Faire Display Props
This plexi display case was covered in little kid hand and face prints by the end of the day. I probably could have sold 100 rayguns if I had them.
CarveWright Maker Faire Booth Display
Another of Liquid Guitar’s pieces on display. The violin had many people asking “how much?”

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