Glenda Edwards – Little Dipper Crafts

Woodworking is nothing new to Glenda Edwards of Idaho Falls, Idaho. Her father and brother are both carpenters, so working with tools was something she was very familiar with. Then about fifteen years ago, Glenda started hosting monthly DIY parties at her home for fellow crafters to come do projects together. This eventually turned into a small business she named, Little Dipper Crafts.

Glenda Edwards CarveWright easter decorations
Her monthly classes tend to be themed around making decor for upcoming holidays.

After discovering CarveWright In 2015, she purchased one to make parts for her DIY kits rather than buying them off the shelf.

“I knew nothing about it.  I’ve had Floyd help me out tons and tons and tons…and tons.”

she laughingly confessed. With assistance from longtime CarveWright user, Floyd Harris, she learned how to use the machine and it’s become a big part of her small business.

Glenda Edwards CarveWright googly eyed Easter bunny
Glenda uses the CarveWright to pre-cut her project shapes, then they assemble and paint those pieces in her classes.
Glenda Edwards CarveWright Easter Welcome door hanger
Letter cutouts can be used for a number of projects

With just the Designer BASIC and the 3d Pattern Modeling Suite, Glenda creates, not only those pieces that she once had to purchase, but now she designs her own custom projects, saving her both money and time by having the machine do the work. She can offer her DIY classes at a lower price and realize more of the profit. It also leaves her time to do other things, while it is cutting, rather than her having to cut pieces with a jigsaw or scrollsaw.

Glenda Edwards CarveWright easter welcome sign
The welcome lettering was cut-out with CarveWright.
Glenda Edwards CarveWright bunny feet
Making a bunch of bunny feet ahead of time, made this craft project fun and easy to do.

Glenda uses Pinterest and other internet sites for inspiration to keep her project ideas fresh. Having the freedom to make any pieces she wants with the CarveWright also plays a big role in making sure month after month, year after year, she always has new and fun projects to make.

Glenda Edwards CarveWright raindeer
One of her favorite projects from Christmas time

She uses Facebook to spread the word about her Little Dipper Crafts classes, but it’s mostly grown through word of mouth. Her classes are two nights a month and have approximately 15 people per night, but she like the idea of expanding her business if it grows enough. She normally works a month ahead and is currently busy creating Mother’s Day DIY kits.

Glenda Edwards CarveWright gnomes
These gnomes are so great!

See more of Glenda’s projects and learn more about her classes on the Little Dipper Crafts Facebook page.


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