Jeremy Harmon – J. Harmon Designs

Like most “Creatives”, Jeremy Harmon’s talents spill over into many different mediums. Besides woodworking, Jeremy is an artist, musician and videographer. Using technology is a big part of almost everything he does. Adding CarveWright to his shop was an exciting step for him. Getting tech into his shop to see what it could do to enhance his projects.


He began by experimenting with his CarveWright and tested the waters on a few simple projects. One of these early projects was a skateboard he made out of reclaimed 2×4’s.


Jeremy soon discovered new ways to use the CarveWright because of the creative opportunities it made possible. The ideas were endless.

Custom aprons began appearing on his tables and he added signs and home décor to his repertoire.

Living in “Vacationland” (Portland, Maine), Jeremy is now being sought to do commissioned themed-art pieces and décor.

Everything Jeremy does in the CarveWright Software is accomplished with just the Designer BASIC license.  He loves how easy and fun it is to use, especially for importing designs or logos for customer work.

See more on YouTube @, on Instagram @ j_harmondesign and on Facebook as Jharmondesign. Many of his videos include projects created utilizing the CarveWright. Go check it out.  Jeremy is doing some cool stuff.

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