Small 240 Grit 6″ Sanding Mop Assembly – 1.5″ Spindle


Sanding mops are a quick and easy way to sand and prepare your carvings for paint or stain. The mop turns as its frayed sandpaper edges polish your project.

  • The Sanding Mop does not attach to the machine.
  • Secure your sanding mop to a hand held drill, drill press or lathe.
  • The Sanding Mop is available in either 1.5 or 3″ Spindle sizes.
  • Replacement packs are also available.
Sanding Mops

Quickly Clean Up Your Carvings

Sanding mops are a great way to speed up and simplify the sanding and cleaning of your carvings. Attach it to a drill press or another high speed motor, and quickly polish your projects without removing your carved details. It will literally save you hours of tedious, hand sanding work. With two grits and two sizes, no matter the project, we’ve got you covered. We also have sandpaper refills for when you wear them out from all the great projects you are making.

Sanding Mops

“Five minutes with one of these mops will save hours of sanding by hand”


Sanding mop assembly
  • The number of spacers in between the sandpaper layers can increase or decrease the aggressiveness of the mop.

  • By adding more spacers between the layers you can increase the “softness” of the sanding mop, making it less aggressive.

