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RAVEN Beta Testing Progress

RAVEN BETA TESTING PROGRESS RAVEN beta testing is going exceptionally well due to the wonderful contributions of the beta users. Many issues have been eliminated,

RAVEN Beta Testing

RAVEN Update – January 2024

RAVEN IN BETA TESTING Before Christmas, we began shipping RAVENs to select beta testers to help identify and solve any remaining bugs in the firmware.

Electronics Have Arrived!

All the pieces to finish building the machines are in house now! Every RAVEN unit is being pulled out of their boxes, thoroughly inspected, electronics

The First 5 RAVENS arrived

RAVEN Update – November 3, 2023

We know everyone is anxious for updates, as we are just as anxious. We got word last week that the container ship has been delayed

RAVEN Update – October 13, 2023

RAVEN’s Are On The Water The RAVEN’s set sail almost 2 weeks ago on their journey to our facilities in Houston. We are expecting them

RAVEN Update – September 21, 2023

From The Production Line The assembly line is finishing up and the container is being packed. We had a ship scheduled for September 25, but

RAVEN Update – September 6, 2023

Missed the Boat Unfortunately, the factory was unable to get the assemblies finished in time to get on the cargo ship this week for our

RAVEN Droptest

RAVEN Packaging Put To The Test

From day one, we wanted to make RAVEN the best product experience we can. Part of that is making sure it arrives ready to go.

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